"Warrior for the King" is a gripping, powerful and energetically hopeful series of worship and fellowship. Hammond’s powerful voice is the centerpiece of a truly intricate musical work. And with his music, David Hammond certainly seems to be redefining the terms of “Contemporary Christian Music.” - Faith |
"Growing up in the Church, David Hammond is no stranger to the awesome and amazing power of prayer. He’s also no stranger to the wonderful connection that music can make with the soul. And as David demonstrates through his wonderfully energetic, yet empathetic work, the combination of faithful prayer and music is a force that cannot be denied.
Over 25 years ago David Hammond began writing music; songs of prayer, praise and community. These songs were simply creations in and of themselves – just sheets of music he kept in his guitar case. Through over 2 decades of life, these songs, and their message, were placed into David’s heart and care; waiting for the moment to be released. Now, 27 years later, David has found that time. As these songs went from acoustic sketches to fully-orchestrated works of worship, it is clear that David has been prayerfully patient in the making of this opus. As David describes the process of his new album, “Warrior for the King”:
I thank God…for being patient with me to finish what He started so very long ago. I was 26 when these songs were first inspired and captured on paper...and 52 before 'God's timing was right' for this labor of love to come to completion. And what a completion it is! David’s “Warrior for the King" is a gripping, powerful and energetically hopeful series of worship and fellowship. Hammond’s powerful voice is the centerpiece of a truly intricate musical work. And with his music, David Hammond certainly seems to be redefining the terms of “Contemporary Christian Music.” But David does not consider himself to be an aspiring recording artist or a “wannabe” rock star; he simply wants to share the message of the music that is on his heart. Regardless, labels aren’t important to David, he already knows his title:
I'm simply a Warrior for the King...a 'Prayer Warrior.' A guy that has taken God at His word.
And from David’s music, it’s clear that this prayerful warrior is fighting the Good Fight."
- JD Review
Over 25 years ago David Hammond began writing music; songs of prayer, praise and community. These songs were simply creations in and of themselves – just sheets of music he kept in his guitar case. Through over 2 decades of life, these songs, and their message, were placed into David’s heart and care; waiting for the moment to be released. Now, 27 years later, David has found that time. As these songs went from acoustic sketches to fully-orchestrated works of worship, it is clear that David has been prayerfully patient in the making of this opus. As David describes the process of his new album, “Warrior for the King”:
I thank God…for being patient with me to finish what He started so very long ago. I was 26 when these songs were first inspired and captured on paper...and 52 before 'God's timing was right' for this labor of love to come to completion. And what a completion it is! David’s “Warrior for the King" is a gripping, powerful and energetically hopeful series of worship and fellowship. Hammond’s powerful voice is the centerpiece of a truly intricate musical work. And with his music, David Hammond certainly seems to be redefining the terms of “Contemporary Christian Music.” But David does not consider himself to be an aspiring recording artist or a “wannabe” rock star; he simply wants to share the message of the music that is on his heart. Regardless, labels aren’t important to David, he already knows his title:
I'm simply a Warrior for the King...a 'Prayer Warrior.' A guy that has taken God at His word.
And from David’s music, it’s clear that this prayerful warrior is fighting the Good Fight."
- JD Review